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Making over 4000 calls a week means we live in the notes section of databases. We know a thing or two about what makes a good note and what you should include to make it worthwhile entering into your CRM. We know you’re busy and may not have time to add as much detail as we do, read on to see the benefit of each part of the note, and also how to shorten it to get to the point!
To improve your communication and relationships with your clients in the future, there is a lot of info that can be put into a note. Here is an example of a conversation we’ve had many times before.
Spoke with Andrea [Anne-dray-uh] on her mobile (ending in 789) this morning, really friendly. Soft-spoken and elderly, sounded like I caught her while out at the shops today, she was happy to chat.
Told her about the sale around the corner from her at 123 Elkhorn Street, she was really happy with the result and delighted with how the area as a whole is performing.
She spoke about how many homes she’s seen sold in the area this year and is surprised at the prices they are going for.
Not interested in an appraisal for herself at the moment, but said to touch base again in 2 or so months when renovations are complete as she and her husband Harold are curious to see how much this has improved their property. Currently having the backyard landscaped and kitchen updated.
No further needs from us right now, she wrapped up the call politely to return to her shopping.
Post Call: Setting a reminder to call back in 4 weeks (week starting 28/11) to discuss the progress of renovations. Discuss any other relevant sales, and offer an agents opinion on renovations (to assist in not overcapitalizing) or if they’d like any suggestions.
Script Used: 123 Elkhorn Street Result

Now let’s take a closer look at each part of this note.
Spoke with Andrea [Anne-dray-uh] on her mobile (ending in 789) this morning, really friendly. Soft-spoken and elderly, sounded like I caught her while out at the shops today, she was happy to chat.
- When you next look at this note you know that you spoke with Andrea and were able to reach her in the morning.
- You know that she was friendly.
- You know how to say her name correctly.
- You know that you reached her on her mobile and if there are multiple numbers associated with the contact, you know which you connected to successfully.
- You know that Andrea is soft-spoken and that she’s elderly, so may need to focus harder on listening and speaking more clearly.
- You know that she was out at the shops so her attention may have been divided today.
Told her about the sale around the corner from her at 123 Elkhorn Street, she was really happy with the result and delighted with how the area as a whole is performing.
She spoke about how many homes she’s seen sold in the area this year and is surprised at the prices they are going for.
- You know that Andrea’s happy to hear that houses are selling well and that she perhaps is monitoring the market in her area.
Why is Andrea keeping an eye on the market?
Not interested in an appraisal for herself at the moment, but said to touch base again in 2 or so months when renovations are complete as she and her husband Harold are curious to see how much this has improved their property. Currently having the backyard landscaped and kitchen updated.
- You know that Andrea is willing and happy to be contacted again by you
- You learnt that she is doing renovations.
- You know Andrea has a husband and his name is Harold (great information to update in the contact card if it’s not there already)
Are these for quality of life or to add capital to sell/rent?
No further needs from us right now, she wrapped up the call politely to return to her shopping.
- You importantly know that the call ended on a positive note.
Post Call: Setting a reminder to call back in 4 weeks (week starting 28/11) to discuss the progress of renovations. Discuss any other relevant sales, and offer an agents opinion on renovations (to assist in not overcapitalising) or if they’d like any suggestions.
- Hold yourself accountable! Write what you plan on doing to improve this relationship and give yourself a reminder of what you can talk about the next time you view this note.
Script Used: 123 Elkhorn Street Result
- Avoid embarrassment for the rest of your team (if applicable) by noting why you called in the first place.
Just the important bits [TL;DR]
Make note of:
Personal Details:
- Name pronunciation. Even if you think you’ll remember. Don’t let yourself look incompetent and ill-informed!
- Which number did you call?
- Were they doing anything during the call? At the shops? In the car? At work?
- Do they have a partner? Children? Pets?
- Were they happy to be called? Or perhaps rude, rushed, disinterested?
Home and Market Details:
- Were they interested in hearing about the market?
- Ask yourself why, and then use this to inform your communication going forward.
- Are they doing renovations?
- For themselves or to increase the value of the home?
- “Can I get you in touch with any of my tradespeople?
For next call:
- How did the call end? Abruptly? Politely?
- What script did you use?
- What do you want to achieve/talk about in the next call?
Keeping the notes in your database or CRM well-detailed and structured cuts a lot of the guesswork for the next time you are contacting your clients. The more notes you have the more information you have to help develop your relationship with your clients. Referencing these notes will give the air of familiarity and will have your client believing that they have been listened to and are important; and always listen for that “not yet”, as it may mean “sometime soon”.